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Update to Parking on Stewart Lane – New No Parking Signs to be Installed

As previously posted on Nextdoor a few months ago, the HOA filed a complaint with Montgomery county transportation about cars parking on Stewart Lane. As this is the only entry point into Whitehall Square, the narrowing of the road makes it extremely dangerous and will only become more of a problem if we get a heavy snowfall. The county made the decision and the HOA has been notified that due to the restricted access on the street for emergency vehicles, new no parking signs will be installed on one side of the street. Montgomery County will be monitoring the road for illegally parked cars and ticketing or towing. As a reminder Stewart Lane is a County street and any enforcement of parking regulations is done by Montgomery County not by the HOA or Vista Management. Any complaints of cars parking there or any issues with your car being ticketed or towed should go to Montgomery County (311).

Here is the email from the county for your reference:

Fire Rescue conducted their assessment and recommended to restrict parking on one side of Stewart Lane. MCDOT has started the process to install that restriction. A Traffic Order and Work Order are being created for approval. I will keep you updated as it progresses.

Area Engineer, Traffic Engineering Studies Section

Montgomery County Department of Transportation